Lingerie Fittings

Waist trainers, Corsets or Bustiers…. What’s the difference?

Have you ever wondered the difference between waist trainers, corsets and bustiers? Well, you’re not the only one. Knowing the difference can be quite confusing especially as some people use these terms interchangeably. Let’s start by taking a look at their definitions.

Waist trainers, also known as waist cinchers, are made from flexi steel boning which makes them strong and flexible.

Corsets are typically made from very strong steel bones that slim the waist with the aid of tightening laces at the back. They are not flexible and will not form to your body – the purpose is to have your body form to the corset.

 front and back look of a corset (shapes and defines)

Sometime, we have some waist trainers that also serves as a corset because they have dramatic effect on the midsection, one of such is the Rago Vintage Corset shown below:

Rago, made in the USA, vintage corset

Bustiers always have cups enhancing the bust and giving a great uplift. The body is then flattened by the panels and light boning.

Bustier with lace trimming.

Deciding which is better for you is dependent on your preferences, style, shaping needs and personal goals. Here are a few differences to aid in your decision making:

  1. The materials used in making these garments are one of the most immediately noticeable differences. Waist trainers are made from nylon, latex or spandex with plastic or steel boning to help retain their shape. The fabric in corsets, on the other hand, is typically cotton, satin or leather, with long flexible steel rods to give the garments their structure. A bustier is made from more elastic fabrics and is less confining. Bustiers usually have elastic panels to give them stretch, and are made with plastic boning.
  2. Waist trainers are usually fastened with hook and eye closures in the front, corsets have steel busks in the front and satin lacing at the back while bustiers usually have fastening wit hook and eye closures which can either be in front or at the back.
  3. The material of waist trainers provide firm compression resulting in a reduction of 1 to 3 inches from the waistline. On the other hand, a reduction in the waistline of 3 to 6 inches can be achieved with the use of a corset. The use of bustiers, however, may not result in the reduction of the waistline in many of the cases.
  4. As undergarments, waist trainers are preferred for everyday use. Corsets are more difficult to conceal due to the slight bulkiness of the busks and lace so you may choose to use this for special occasions. Having said that, it can sometimes be tricky to wear waist trainers under clothing too. If you plan on wearing something that is very revealing or tight-fitting, you might prefer a no-closure cincher or a bustier.
  5. If you prefer a more dramatic hourglass look then you may want to go for a corset. But if you are all about ease of use and versatility then the waist trainer is the one. Bustiers help push up the bust and flatten the body but the cinching effect is not as pronounced as that of the corset or the waist trainer.

Ultimately, picking one of these garments depends on your preferences and needs. We hope this article has cleared up some of the confusion you may have had about the waist trainers, corsets and bustiers.

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