Fashion & Lifestyle

Inspire Monday: Adesua Etomi

The travel issue of Genevieve Magazine just got its cover loved by the sweet, subtle and sleek Adesua Etomi. Who else is not aware of the unpredictable life of an actor, kindly get in here for insights from a practical source. Bear in mind that the unpredictable life is intertwined with family and baggages of adventure.


Adesua Etomi - Inspire Monday


For one moment, an actor is all over the place, starring in blockbuster movies and signing autographs while the next moment can be a mandatory drought season – it is amazing to know that beautiful Adesua Etomi has fitted her petite figure in the former category and never going to be found on the later side. Only starting her Nollywood career in 2014, Etomi has, in the span of four years, achieved a level of stardom that it takes many people far longer to attain.



Inspire Monday Adesua Etomi


In her interview, Adesua charms us with her wit, intelligence, beauty, and talent as she shares her thoughts on married life, space travel and so much more.


Read excerpts from her interview below:

If you could, at this very moment, go anywhere – with no limits – where would you go and why?: I’d go to space. I’m very curious about the things that I can’t see and things I haven’t experienced. I know that there are many places on earth but I’m very curious about space and particularly envious of people that have been. They’ve experienced what most people have never – and will never – experience.


Do you agree that if you share your private life with the rest of the world, it is no longer yours alone?: I don’t necessarily agree with that because it depends on what is consistently shared. People share what they are comfortable with and withhold what they’d rather keep private. I can see the rationale behind it, but I don’t think it’s so black and white.


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