Welcome to #featurefriday and today we have @jagabeauty who tells us about her business and shares her experience as an entrepreneur with us. .
My name is Ngozy Atta a.ka. Queenjaga
Business handle : @jagabeauty

Jagabeauty provides natural skincare solutions and beauty essentials for the everyday woman’s total transformation and confidence restoration. .
We do this via trainings (online and off line), Consultation, sales and recommendation of safe skincare, beauty and personal care products .
I’m glad to say that our brand can be rated dependable and has over 12 years received an admirable recognition in the beauty industry even in the face of challenges.
The most recent being last year. We got unpleasant feedback concerning one of our products ‘Brushlove’, a makeup brush cleaner.
Apparently a certain batch sold gave off an offensive smell when used and this caused a major drop in demand and sales.
My first reaction and emotions were that of disappointment and fear. I felt terrible, especially not knowing how many people would have experienced this and made their conclusions.
I asked the Holy Spirit for for wisdom and then reached out to 2 of my team members and we immediately decided to put out a public apology online and then recalled as many of the bottles as we could and sent replacements without further charges.
It wasn’t an easy feat but we were determined to learn and grow from that experience. .
My advise to Entrepreneurs would be, “Don’t be afraid of failure… It wouldn’t even exist the moment you begin to consider your set backs as opportunities to evolve and expand”.