
The Garlic Miracle

The Garlic Miracle

The Garlic Miracle

I hated garlic. I am disgusted by the smell of it. I have a couple of friends who feel the same way. I don’t know about you. What I do know now is that garlic is very good for the health.

Today, I discovered the many wonders of Garlic. Garlic is the miracle food we all hate. No, at least some of us, (to say that would translate to committing the fallacy of hasty generalization). Garlic has the capabilities of protecting the heart, and the body against cancers and other fungal and microbial infections like Candida.

I read that when garlic extract were injected into some

mice with Candida infections, after the first day, Candida colonies numbered 400, compared with 3,500 among the mice given only a salt-water solution. After two days, amazingly, the garlic treated mice were free of Candida. (Read original story here)

So, friends let’s start Garlicing. It’s good for your health. If you hate the odour so much, get the natural garlic powder (available in most local markets in Nigeria) and add it to your cooking or get Garlic tablets for a more structured plan.


About Seun Tayo-Balogun

Seun Tayo-Balogun is the visionary founder of Brief Essentials, launched in 2011 when e-commerce was just emerging in Nigeria. A passionate lingerie enthusiast and seasoned e-commerce professional, she has spearheaded digital transformation projects across various industries. With diverse expertise in branding, communication, research, economics, and web development, she combines her skills to create impactful solutions. A natural storyteller, Seun loves writing and harnessing the power of digital tools and technology to drive meaningful change and inspire others.

0 thoughts on “The Garlic Miracle

  1. Labake says:

    I have been eating Garlic for long, it is good, but u have to cope with the odour when u sweat, so i eat it at night bofore bed time

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